Our Services

Readiness Review for Apple Devices

SetupMy has developed a method for ensuring a customer is able to extract maximum value out of the Apple ecosystem. Our engineers will review and deliver a report on your current state, ensuring best practices at every level.

SetupMy Device Management Solutions

SetupMy leverages market leading MDM technology to automate the setup and on-going management of Apple devices in your work environment. We make it easy for your staff to focus on what they do best by making technology simple.

Device Support Solutions

SetupMy has flexible remote support options to assist your users, from upskilling your service desk to full-scale Apple troubleshooting from our own support team. We are able to support you as you need supporting.

Environment Health Check

SetupMy will provide a tailored analysis of your existing environment and ensure it is running at its most optimal, meeting all security and usability requirements. Use us to keep your technology working for you.

  • Speak to the experts

    We exist to make technology work. Whether you need advice on a fleet of Macs or wrangling control of a handful, we can tailor a solution for your Apple devices.